
Mediaportal tv guide id
Mediaportal tv guide id

mediaportal tv guide id

18:39:44.251984 : WebEPG: TimeZone, Site : GMT Standard Time 18:39:44.251984 : WebEPG: TimeZone, Local: GMT Standard Time 18:39:43.881451 : Ignoring Channel Name: Russia Today - No Grabber id 18:39:43.881451 : Ignoring Channel Name: Fiver - No Grabber id 18:39:43.881451 : Ignoring Channel Name: 4Music - No Grabber id 18:39:43.470860 : Loading Config File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\WebEPG\WebEPG.xml 18:39:43.450832 : xmltv - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\xmltv\ MP reports a fatal error and problem with the template as follows: The current one I am trying to sort is the fact that WEBEPG no longer updates tvguide from the Radio Times website in the UK.Under the previous version it worked perfectly.

mediaportal tv guide id

I upgraded MP yesterday from RC2 to 1.0.0 Final and there appear to be a number of bugs.

Mediaportal tv guide id